What is a watershed?
A watershed is the area of land that drains into a common body of water like a river, lake or ocean. All the rain and snowmelt in the watershed flows downhill into streams and rivers that eventually reach the ocean.
What can I do to help protect watersheds?
- Learn where your drinking water comes from by checking your utility’s annual Consumer Confidence Report. This will tell you the source rivers, lakes or aquifers.
- Calculate your ecological footprint to understand your personal impact. Take the ecological footprint quiz to estimate how much land supports your lifestyle.
- Check your water footprint at waterfootprint.org. This shows how much water is used for the goods and services you consume.
- Find your carbon footprint and get tips to reduce it using an online carbon footprint calculator.
- Volunteer with local watershed groups to plant trees, clean streams, monitor water quality, and more. Check websites of agencies like Public Works.
- Take everyday actions like proper chemical disposal, water conservation, and preventing stormwater pollution.
Where does my drinking water come from?
Check your utility’s annual Consumer Confidence Report, which will tell you the source rivers, lakes or aquifers for your drinking water supply. This report describes water quality and supply for your community. You can also find this information on the Water Education Foundation website by selecting your city on their map.
What is my ecological footprint?
Take the ecological footprint quiz to estimate how much land area is needed to support your lifestyle. This shows your personal environmental impact.
What is my water footprint?
Use the water footprint calculator at waterfootprint.org to estimate how much water is used for the goods and services you consume. This includes water used to produce your food, clothing, and other products.
What is my carbon footprint?
Use an online carbon footprint calculator to estimate emissions from your daily activities like driving, flying, and energy use at home. Get tips to reduce your carbon footprint.
How can I help protect my local watershed?
You can help by learning where your water comes from, calculating your environmental impacts, volunteering with local groups, and taking small daily actions to prevent pollution. We all live in a watershed, so everyone can make a difference through their individual choices and actions.